Cookie Policy

SlotsDorado (further “the Site”) uses cookies to distinguish you from other users, recognize your preferences and provide you with a full range of functions when you visit our website. This helps us to provide you with the best experience and allows us to improve the Site.

The cookies we use are listed below:

  1. Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the website to function properly. 
  2. Not necessary (Analytical/performance cookies). They allow us to recognize & count the number of visitors and to analyze how visitors move around the Site while using it. This helps us to improve the way the Sites function, by ensuring that users are navigating easily to what they are looking for.

Storage duration

Session cookies: Some cookies are only needed for the duration of your website session, so called “session cookies”. They will be removed/ become invalid as soon as you leave our site or your current session expires. Session cookies are needed, for example, to retain certain information during your visits.

Permanent cookies: Some cookies are stored over a longer period of time. For example, it allows to recognize you when you access our website again at a later time and access saved settings. As a result, you can access web pages of our site faster and easier, for example because you do not need to set particular options again, such as your language. Permanent cookies are automatically deleted after a predefined period.

Managing cookies

Cookies can be blocked by activating the setting on your browser that enables you to refuse the setting of all or certain cookies. However, if all the cookies are blocked (including strictly necessary cookies) you may not be able to access some parts of the website.

To find out the type and version of your web browser:
For PCs: click on ‘Help’ at the top right corner of your browser window and select the ‘About’ option
For Macs: with the browser window open, click on the Apple menu and select the ‘About’ option.

Enabling cookies

Follow the steps below to enable cookies depending on the browser you use:


  1. Click on ‘Safari’ at the top of your browser window -> ‘Preferences’ option;
  2. Click on ‘Security’ -> ‘Accept cookies’;
  3. Select the ‘Only from site you navigate to’.


  1. Click on ‘Mozilla’ ->  ‘Preferences’ option;
  2. Scroll down to ‘Privacy & Security’;
  3. Select ‘Enable cookies for the originating web site only’.


  1. Click on ‘Menu’ – > ‘Settings’;
  2. Select ‘Preferences’ -> ‘Advanced’ tab;
  3. Select ‘Accept cookies’ option.

To learn more about cookies and how to manage them (including blocking them) visit . Please note that we are not liable for the content provided by external websites.

Managing cookies in your browser

In order to delete/manage cookies, that have been installed within the cookie folder of the browser you are using, follow the steps provided by your browser manufacturer.

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Safari (Desktop)

Safari (Mobile)

Android Browser


Opera Mobile

If your browser is not listed here, check the documentation that your browser manufacturer provides.